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kheli zahmat kasheden jazakumllah khair, serf dar bakhsh islam agar katbhai motabar ash add kuned khele mufed khwahad bod masalan: 1- sahe bukhare 2-sahe muslim 3-sunan abu dawod 4-sunan tarmezi 5-sunan nsaye 6-sunan abne maja babakhshed enke keyboard dree nadarm ba english naweshta kardm .
sho ma salaamat bashid hamwatan aziz. kar joryan dard ensha allah dar bakh islaami ham ketab hi beshter darg khahat shod bazodi
اقدام خیلی نیک و کار بسیار عظیم و مثمر، خداوند اجر نصیب تان کند